
Archived News For September 2002
26th Of September 2002 - Next Release Info |
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Here's the current change log for the next TAUCP release:
- Reduced Core Metron's weapon reload time, increased its turn rate and firing range as well.
- Core Karganeth's metal cost has been increased by approx. 10000 more metal and its hit points/max damage has been slightly reduced. (Fixed)
- Upgraded to the new Arm Rebel by Mayhem Inc. This includes a new build pic, a new 3d model and a better firing script.
- Core Metron & Titan can now self-heal.
- Support for TA Commander mod switching program
As you can see, the list is very short and i hope i can hear some of your suggestions in further improving the unit pack. You may either send in your suggestions
directly to me, or you may use the discussion forums (recommended).
Stay Tuned - Malcolm Lim A.k.a CyberKewl
15th Of September 2002 - TA:CC Map Profiles Remover Program |
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Okay, i have decided to make a TA:CC Map Profiles Remover program (for non-TA:CC users of course). This program will remove all the existing TA:CC map profiles from your TA folder since they are of no use for non-TA:CC owners. This should NOT affect your copy of TA in any way EXCEPT that you won't
see those blank maps in the map preview / selection screen anymore.
Future versions of TAUCP will allow you to select which copy you want to install. So this means that there will be three selections in the TAUCP Installer program, Normal/OTA with TA:CC, without TA:CC and TA:M. This program is only applicable for the TAUCP / Original TA / Normal version only since TA:CC is a prerequisite for
the TA:M version. Get the file here (Approx 7 KB).
Stay Tuned - Malcolm Lim A.k.a CyberKewl
14th Of September 2002 - TAUCP's "New Maps", Short URL |
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Some of you guys have NOT been reading the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document before asking me any questions. The MOST
popular question is about TAUCP's "New Maps" (yes, the quotes mean something). Here's the "Question and Answer" taken
off from TAUCP's FAQ :
Q: After installing TAUCP, i get a bunch of NEW maps, but when i try to load them, i get an error message, what's wrong?
A: Those are not really maps, they are actually map profiles that define the correct AI profile to use so that you'll get a better AI. Most of the maps you see are from TA, TA:Core Contingency and probably TA:Battle Tactics as well. There are also some
mission-only map profiles (that has proper stating points to allow players to play skirmish/mutliplayer games with mission-only maps).
If you don't see a preview screenshot when selecting the map, it means you don't have that map. It is that simple.
I have updated the FAQ so that people can read it easier, so if you haven't read it please do so before asking me any questions.
In other news, i have registered a short URL redirector that can be accessed by clicking here. Ths short url will redirect you to TAUCP Central, so that you don't have to remember or
type the whole PA/taucp URL again.
Stay Tuned - Malcolm Lim A.k.a CyberKewl
9th Of September 2002 - TAUCP 2.0 Is Now Up For Grabs! |
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10th September 2002 update:
- Ultimate-Strategy mirror is now up.
- Uploaded NEW 3dofiles for non-TA:CC users.
Yes, it's finally here! After some final touches and testing, TAUCP 2.0 is now ready and up for grabs. One of the main features of TAUCP 2.0 is the new TAUCP frontend for PC/OTA users that allows you to select which unit pack sections that you want to load/use during gameplay. This should help speed up the loading in most cases to a certain degree.
TA:M and Macutator users can also select their unit pack sections via the UFOManager in their respective programs, so please make sure that you read the readme for instructions on how to play TAUCP 2.0 with TA: Mutation or Macutator. Mac users must now download the new Macutator 6.0.1 in order to play with TAUCP 2.0.
I have updated TAUCP Central's navigational sidebar as well if you haven't noticed that already. Besides that, the TAUCP Units Gallery has now been replaced with the TAUCP Frontend Screenshots section. I'd like to remind you all that there is NO TAUCP 1.9 to 2.0 patch for PC/OTA users because of the new format, so you have to download the entire 18 MB for TAUCP 2.0. The next release will have a patch.
I'd like to thank Jim (Author of Macutator) for taking his time to read through my mails on making TAUCP 2.0 compatible with Macutator and also Frank Großschmidt for his German unit names & descriptions translation. Thanks!
Here are the files:
Click on these download links (below) and scroll down the page to download from FREE PUBLIC SERVERS. If these links return a FILE NOT FOUND error, try clicking on the download link(s) again. This happens quite often on FilePlanet servers. |
Main Files: |
First Time User? Click Here |
Ultimate-Strategy Mirror: |
Don't forget to read the Readme Files, FAQs and the New User's Guide that i've just written specially for those who are new to TAUCP. Many users don't read the FAQ when they face problems with TAUCP such as missing files and such, so before you ask any question - read the FAQ first.
Have Fun! - Malcolm Lim A.k.a CyberKewl
5th Of September 2002 - Next Release Timeframe, PC Gamer UK |
The next release of TAUCP which is 2.0 is doing fine and should be released some time either next week or the week after. The poll that was posted just a few days ago showed that more people did NOT want Fire/Ice Angel's cloaking abilities be removed, so it shall stay as it is.
However, its stealth and radar jamming abilities will be removed to ensure that this unit is not mis-used in any way. In other news, don't forget that if you still haven't downloaded TAUCP, you can get a copy from the PC Gamer UK coverdisc Issue 114 (October) which should be on sale now.
It includes TAUCP version 1.8, which is 1 release older than the current one, but you can still get the 1.8 to 1.9 patch to play with the latest version.
Don't forget to send it your comments or suggestions on how TAUCP can be improved, you may use the forum (preferred) or send your feedback via the feedback form on this site.
Stay Tuned - Malcolm Lim A.k.a CyberKewl
2nd Of September 2002 - POLL: Should Fire/IceAngel's Cloaking Abilities Be Removed? |
It's time for another poll: should Fire/IceAngel's cloaking abilities be removed? Cast your votes here.
In what seems to be a heated argument with Begtus which led me to come up with this poll.
Also, he claims that Fire/IceAngel is TOO powerful against super units and should be toned down. My answer was that if you are smart enough, you'd
have some non-superunits to take out those Fire/IceAngel's before they attack your super units. It's all part of strategy ! There is a counter to more or less everything, nothing is totally unstoppable.
Counter to superunits : FIre/IceAngel. Counter to Fire/IceAngel : Non-SuperUnits (i.e: Normal units such as tanks / level 2 kbots).
Stay Tuned - Malcolm Lim A.k.a CyberKewl
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